A reader writes:
Do you have any resource (besides eBay) to find the original Crest Train Engineer 55470? I'm building a garden train(Bachman Silverado set) and don't want to go the DCC route. Thanks!
I apologize but I don't have any sources for the Crest TE 5470 or any of its relatives.
The new version is called "Revolution" and it's not cheap.
http://www.crest-electronics.net/To me it's a case of "scope creep" - The VERY simple early units did everything I needed/need, but they kept cramming more features into the things and raising the price at the same time.
If you're looking for a battery-powered solution, Tony Washam's RCS sets have a cheaper entry level. If you contact him, tell him I sent you.
http://www.rcs-rc.com/Best of luck,
Paul Race