
Reversing Units
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Author:  paulrace [ Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Reversing Units

A reader writes:

I have several scale sets. I have 10 sets of HO. Different mfgs. I have twelve sets of lionel. My question is only about my b achmann g scale. I am trying to set up one locomotive to run with an auto reverse system for my g scale locomotive. I read your article regarding the trolley's, and the other types of single cars. Is it possible to set up a g scale locomotive to run with a reverse system? thank you.


Yes, some systems will allow you to reverse an entire train. Instead of having, say, an 18" piece of track at each end, you'd need a section long enough to hold your entire train. But it can be done.

That said, When I wrote that, several systems were available, LGB has stopped manufacturing many of its accessories and AristoCraft has gone out of business.

I'm attaching the instruction sheet for the AristoCraft system I favored when it was widely available. Hopefully it will give you some idea of how these things tend to work.

Best of luck - Paul ... ngunit.pdf

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