
Looking for Outdoor Trains
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Author:  paulrace [ Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for Outdoor Trains

A reader writes:
Can you please send me a order catalog ASAP
Looking for outdoor train set each cart would be about 2" long x 8"-10" high
That's the side I'm looking for or something close to that size


Thanks for getting in touch.

I don't have a catalog, actually. I just recommend products from companies I trust.
If you're looking for your first garden-sized train, consider Bachmann. Some of their trains are listed on this page:

If you want it to run outside, you'll need brass track, not the kind that comes with the train.

Most of the links for LGB and PIKO on the following page still work, though I haven't updated it for several months.

Back to the car sizes. The average garden train car (including Bachmann) is about 7" tall, counting from the top of the rail to the top of the car. The average 8-wheeled (full-sized) freight care is about 17" long. 8-wheel passenger cars like Bachmann's are longer, about 20".

Not exactly as big as you were looking for, but close.

Hope this helps,

Paul Race

Author:  paulrace [ Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for Outdoor Trains

A reader writes:
would just like to know which engines can run outdoors? i know lgb, what other ones? thanks.


The answer is almost anything designed for "G Gauge." That includes Bachmann, USA trains, the old track-powered Lionel trains (the new battery-powered ones are just toys) and several others.

Do you have a specific train you wondering about?

- Paul

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