The reader replied back to me:
Hi thanks for getting back to me I've attached pics of the rolling stock it will fit 45mm but this is a little loose
-----------------------------------Our reply (sorry, the photos wouldn't upload-----------------
The locomotive is a 1980s era Lionel. It came with a remote
control that operated the bell and whistle, called "RailSounds." The
coaches are made by AristoCraft and were made from the 1980s up until
2013. I have this locomotive and some of these coaches, and I will
warn you before you even get started that the locomotive will pull
about two of them at a time. Maybe three if the track is VERY level.
George Schreyer wrote a very detailed analysis of the locomotive some
time back: would recommend trying to find a 3-amp DC power supply for the
train, 5 amps would be better, but don't strain the locomotive.
The "hard part" of putting this particular train on the tracks is that
the AristoCraft coaches require an 8'-diameter circle of track
MINIMUM. I have mine on 10'-diameter curves, and they still look a
little funny.
Back to sources for track. AristoCraft used to make the best track,
but they're out of business. GeneratioNext has taken over their track
business but is slow getting stuff to the US, much less around the
world. Bachmann's brass track is almost as good. LGB's is well made
but the track connectors aren't as good, and the maximum curve you can
usually find is 8'-diameter. USA Trains' track is a clone of
Here's the sad irony: ALL of this track is made in China and shipped
to the US. (Some LGB track is being made in Eastern Europe now, I
think.) So it really starts out in your part of the world,
comparatively speaking. yet it's almost impossible for folks in NZ or
Australia to get unless you want to pay a premium for shipping it
across the Pacific twice.
I wish I could be more help with the "acquisition" part of this discussion.
Best of luck, please let me know if you have any more questions. - Paul