
Cradle for Diesel Engine repair
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Author:  paulrace [ Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Cradle for Diesel Engine repair

A reader writes:

I'm doing some repair work on my Aristocraft Dash 9 and SD 45. My big issue is placing my engine on a G SCALE POWERED CRADLE for doing the repair work. Any suggestions on what folks are using
for cradles would be appreciated.

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I don't know of any current source for a cradle big enough for these. If I need something like that, I typically build a big u-shaped trough out of scrap lumber and line it with foam rubber or several layers of old towel.

For power, I might bring a DC power supply with wires attached, so I can hold the wires on the wheels for testing.

Not very specific, I'm sorry.

Please let me know if i misunderstood your question,


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